Quarter Distance with Full Count

Rhythm Pick Teaching Lesson 4

The Full Distance the Half Distance and the Quarter Distance are picking instructions. The Quarter is the shortest picking distance. It is the most active picking  distance and the true flowing rhythm this technique has to offer. The Quarter distance is unique in its way. It is a fast moving back and forth swinging  motion picking numbers of beats or picking numbers of strings in a smooth and even manner.


With an Even there is an Odd. This even rhythm beat all so has an odd beat that accompany it. When you least expect it you may accidentally slip in to the odd. This odd beat can be maintain and will stay in timing. Beware


With a three member pick and using the Am chord, position the rhythm pick in the middle of the strings on the guitar. Push the pick down across the strings with an even slow speed so picks are picking the strings and notes are individual sounding one after another. Pick the strings one after another in a stop go stop go manner. Use a stop go stop go motion with your hand and the pick as they travel down across picking the strings. Only pick two strings downward " 1 + " or pick two steps down with this downward picking direction, then stop.
     Next pull the pick up across picking the same strings. Pick these strings one after other with a stop go stop go motion. Again only pick two string upward " 2 + " or pick two steps up with this upward picking direction then stop.
    Next push the pick down across picking the same strings with a stop go stop go motion. Only pick two strings downward " 3 + " or pick two steps down with this downward picking direction then stop.
    Last pull the pick up across picking the same strings. Use a stop go stop go motion with the pick.Only pick two strings upward " 4 + "  or pick two steps up to finish this upward picking direction. This completes the Quarter picking distance using all eight beats.

With the Am chord, center the Rhythm Pick in the middle of the strings of the guitar. Counting with the notes as they are sounding. Push the pick across the strings, each pick picking 

Total 8 Notes

Make sure picks are picking the same strings down, and the same strings up.


This can all so be looked at as steps. In an 8th beat run there are eight steps down or eight steps up. As we push the picks across the strings down or up in a stop go stop go manner we create and make a stepping motion pattern with our hand and the pick. This stepping motion is how we pick the strings in a stop go stop go manner. This continues picking one after another creates a running beats affect.
     The Quarter picking distance is two steps down, two steps up, two steps down, two steps up. The Half picking distance is four steps down, four steps up. The Hole picking distance is eight steps down or eight steps up. Each picking distance the Whole the Half the Quarter is made up of eight individual steps.

Practices with the Am chord cycle, 2 notes down 2 notes up 2 notes down 2 notes up, in a continues manner.

Start the Am chord cycling at 25 seconds long and eventually climbing to 1 minute long.

Practice this Cycling Daily.

Speeding up the Quarter timing beat will quicken the cycle. When the Rhythm Pick cycle is increase to a moderate tempo, and a smooth and even, back and forth swing motion with the pick is maintained, rhythm will be energized and in full swing.

With these 2 tunes practice picking the Quarter distance with the Full count.  Increase the timing speed to moderate tempo and practice picking the quarter in the Swing.

  Here you can watch the lesson in action