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From a former Berklee School of Music student: "the picks product and project a high tone pitch from the strings of my guitar."
Bill explains ----
"First: not all the guitars produe this high tone sound."
"Second: when playing with numbers of picks, strings are repeatedly being picked and these new sounds that we make and hear are what we are not familiar with"


Rhythm Pick strings

The Rhythm Pick offers a number of techniques to the guitarist that are not hard to plan and master. These new techniques are wasy that tame this high tone sound and balance out the highs and lows. When picks are playing in sequence and a regular order, this balance is achieved.

Other ways:
New strings on a guiter are very high tone. After a day of used the strings will settle down and this high tone will drop down.
Heavier strings are recommended for a lower tone sound. Heavier strings also produce a richer and fuller sound.
The pick members themselves, the tips will slowly reshape themselves over time and this high tone sound will drop down.

Rhythm Pick strings